Scott’s Business List Directory

We know how important it is to source an accurate Canadian list of companies that has the most up to date information. Scott’s Directories is a resource that allows your sales team to connect with market research and targeted leads.

Our Canadian Business Database features B2B businesses, manufacturers, industrial companies, wholesalers, distributors, wholesale agents and brokers, and manufacturers' sales offices across the country.

With over 985,000 organizations, and 2.6 million contacts in our National Database you will find whatever you’re looking for – whether it’s a full list of oil and gas companies in Canada or very specific criteria, such as construction companies in Toronto with more than 10 employees.

From our easy to use cloud based portal, you’ll be able to search, view, print and download data to easily upload in your company CRM or use for offline analysis. With our online membership your sales teams can access data any time and what’s more, you have 35 ways to filter and search so you can download the most precise data.

Here are some of our searching filters:

  • Geographic Filters
  • Demographic Filters, such as;
    • Square Footage
    • Number of Employees
    • Estimated Sales
    • Year Established
  • Products and Services, NAICS Codes, and Business Type
  • Contact Names and Job Functions and Titles

There’s even information on Head Offices and parent companies.

Head Office

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*For 1st Time Customers Only. Offer Ends July 31, 2024. Free service provided by Scott's Directories.
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