Atlantic Business

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Atlantic Business Database

59,000 Companies
128,000 Contacts
Profiles Include:
  • Company Name, Address
  • Tel, Fax, Website
  • Contacts
  • Year Established
  • Business Type
  • Industry NAICS Codes
  • Products and Services
  • Number of Employees
  • Square Footage
  • Estimated Annual Sales
  • ISO Registration
  • Census Division
  • Export Countries
  • Geocoding
  • Head Office Information
  • Year Established

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$ 599 /month
2 Month Subscription
$1,198 Total Billed Amount
4,000 Credits

All Features & Data Included:
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What Our Clients Say About Us
Angie DiTuri
Angie DiTuri
I had a great experience when visiting Scotts Directories. The service was always up and running, and updated regularly. I had no issues navigating the website and finding the lists I needed. Special thanks to Rabiya Shaikh for her excellent service. I highly recommend Scotts Directories - 5 stars!
Jeremy Beamer
Jeremy Beamer
Outstanding Client Support and Comprehensive Lists at Scotts Directories Scotts Directories is a great place to find and collect up-to-date industry and company information. The website is well-organized and easy to use, making it a breeze to find what you need. Plus, the client support systems are outstanding. Our team was especially impressed with Bridget Wiley for her exceptional customer service. Scotts Directories is a great resource for far-reaching industry and company lists. 5/5 stars!
Bella coola
Bella coola
Very professional service, and friendly staff. I didn't receive any bites from the fax out, but this is likely due to the nature of the fax as opposed to their service
Allan Madonik
Allan Madonik
Invested $800 and got a $3,800 sale. Staff were patient and super helpful
Cathy Knapp
Cathy Knapp
Excellent Customization and Easy Online Navigation at Scotts Directories I use the online Scotts Directories frequently and the experience is always top notch. Excellent ability to customize what data I need to see and so easy to navigate. The team members, especially Bridget Wiley, are very helpful and make the experience top notch. I highly recommend Scotts Directories and give them a 5 out of 5 stars.
Mike Young
Mike Young
We've used Scott's Directories for years. It's getting better every year.
Ryan Nellich
Ryan Nellich
Great team to work with
Dawn Cook
Dawn Cook
Rabiya always goes above and beyond to ensure that I have the leads I need to make a smooth transition from my reps to the customers.