Pharmacy Directory: List of Pharmacies in Ontario, Canada

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  • Includes over 12,000 pharmacies and related pharmacists
  • Accurate and comprehensive
  • Downloadable
  • Add notes and print labels right from the dashboard
  • Updated continuously throughout the year
  • Fast and secure online searching and sorting
  • EZ import into your CRM environment
  • Includes discounts on premium online lead conversion services

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Scott’s Directories is your one-stop research solution for your sales and marketing team. With our list of reputable Canadian pharmacies, your team can capitalize on the data to build a stronger pipeline and drive more sales.

Helping revenue generating teams be successful.

Conducting market research and creating personalized campaigns is essential for sales and marketing teams. Collecting this information has never been easier than with Scott’s Directories list of independent pharmacies. Our Canadian database provides comprehensive and up-to-date data that aids revenue generating teams in achieving their desired results. Pharma directories are an essential part of sales, marketing, and research for businesses in a wide range of sectors including

  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Recruitment
  • Government Agencies
  • Insurance
  • Pharmaceutical

Revenue generating teams are able to use our database to build detailed lists of targeted buyers. For example, if you were to search list of drugstores in Canada, you would be directed to all of the information you need on these professionals such as the pharmacy they work at, contact information, and professional history.

The most efficient solution for your team.

Scott’s Directories offers a best in class database that your team can capitalize on to get the results they need. With our accurate and comprehensive list of Canadian pharmacies, you can get the data and insight you need in a fraction of the time. Having all the pertinent information in one, easy to use solution will reduce time spent on manual searches, verifying, cleaning and de-duping your information. Whether you’re conducting market research or looking to build a successful lead generation campaign to fill your pipeline with quality leads, our up-to-date database is your most efficient solution.

Gone are the days of manual searches.

While there is a wealth of information available from traditional search engines, manual searching is no longer a viable option for sales and marketing teams. Relying on outdated methods will result in hours of research time and inaccurate data. The pharmaceutical industry is constantly changing, and traditional search engines don’t account for that. It’s crucial for your sales team to be aware of any changes about prospective buyers such as re-location, contact information, and changes in pharmacists. To ensure nothing slips through the cracks, Scott’s Directories offers more detailed information that is easier to comprehend.

For example, if you were to manually search “list of pharmacies in Ontario” in a traditional search engine, your results will show a number of uncredited sources for you to sift through and compile. With Scott’s Directories, you are able to conduct more advanced queries and review all of the data on one dashboard. Our platform gives users the ability to drill down on specific information such as a pharmacy’s current line of assistive devices or the names of the executives that work at a specific location.

Make the shift today.

Scott’s Directories is an opportunity for your sales and marketing team to build a pipeline of high-potential leads. Making the shift to our list of reputable Canadian pharmacies will increase your team’s efficiency, drive sales and develop quality relationships with your buyers.
