Canadian Manufacturing Companies Directory & Listings

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Canadian Manufacturing Companies Directory with Reliable Information

  • Over 580,000 B2B company profiles
  • Downloadable in csv format
  • Match your top clients easily and effectively
  • Turnkey market-surveys available
  • Comprehensive list of Canadian Manufacturers, Wholesalers & Distributors, B2B Services & Industrial Support
  • Over 1.2 million key contacts
  • Continuously updated throughout the year
  • Quickly determine high potential prospects
  • Includes discounts for online lead conversion optimization

Scott’s Directories manufacturers directory is a tool for anyone looking for more information on a list of manufacturing companies in Canada.

Most B2B businesses are looking for a manufacturer database that can contribute to the success of their organization. Scott’s Directories features manufacturers from across Canada with accurate and reliable data, helping your sales and marketing teams to work efficiently.

Scott’s Directories is a premium online Canadian manufacturers directory providing customers with accurate and reliable information. In this highly competitive market, it is essential to equip your staff with the right tools to gain your competitive advantage!

With the information in our industrial manufacturing companies’ directory, you will feel confident when making critical decisions for your business. Whether developing a marketing campaign or staying on top of news about specific manufacturers, our goal is to help you achieve long-term success.

Did you know?

We provide province specific information too! Our Ontario manufacturer’s directory is a game changer for all businesses selling and supplying in Ontario. You get all the information you need just from one online manufacturer directory in Ontario.

We help you save valuable time, money, and resources searching for manufacturing companies in Toronto and other parts of Canada. Subscribe today to get your list of manufacturing companies in Ontario.

With your subscription, you can become a member of Scott’s Directories. Along with our manufacturers’ directory, your membership will provide you access to drilled-down information about wholesalers, distributors, Canadian manufacturers list, various industries, manufacturing companies in Ontario and much more.
