5 Keys to Successful Prospecting

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While a novel could be written on this subject, this is a simple summary to help you get going.

1. Know How to Get “In the Door”

  • Research: Use the Prospect’s website to briefly learn about the company, identify key players and get a sense of their Corporate Culture.
  • Connection: Having a “bridge” will give you credibility – something you can share together (people, place, events).  This is a “bridge” between you and them.
  • Contacting: Don’t rely on them to call you back – keep calling, leave 1 message only.
  • Qualify: Always quickly assess whether the Prospect is a “fit”.  Don’t waste their time or yours!

2. Build Trust & Credibility FIRST!

  • The order: Understand them.  Sell yourself.  Sell your company & then sell your services/products.
  • Understand them: Don’t push “you” until you understand them.
  • Get personal: Learn one thing personal (e.g. kids, sports, hobbies) & share about you.
  • “Little touches”: Initiate lots of little touches overtime via phone, voicemail, mail & email. This will build trust & relationship and keep you top of mind for when their need does come up.


3. ALWAYS Have a “Next Step”

  • A shared path: Build expectations with the Prospect right up front.
  • What’s next: Don’t end a conversation without committed next steps.
  • You drive: Avoid waiting for them. Whatever there is to do, you do it.
  • Confirm: Use email to recap conversations, meetings just booked, and confirm future meetings.
  • Follow through: Complete, on time, every action you commit to.

4. Have a Purpose/Goal for Every Step

  • Strategy: Know what the desired outcome should be.
  • Agenda: Define your agenda at each stage.
  • Share it: Get commitment from the Prospect on each step.
  • Follow it: Stick to your agenda.

At minimum, make sure they will welcome another call from you. Ask yourself … “When I call back, will they remember me? Will they welcome this call?”

IMPORTANT: “No Thanks” does not mean “disqualified”: An early error is thinking that if they are not interested, they are disqualified. Not so! Assuming they qualify, they may not have a need at that moment OR they will tell you they are not interested or disengage the discussion because they don’t feel comfortable enough yet.  Remember, they hardly know you yet.

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