7 Reasons to Make Video Part of Your Online Strategy

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Content marketing is at the heart of any online marketing strategy – but content doesn’t mean just written words on a web page.

Your content strategy must include video to engage your audience and to make a real impact. Videos – more than other types of content – have a great potential to be shared and remembered. They are also favoured by search engines like Google and research shows that pages that contain video convert at a higher percentage than those that don’t.

So, don’t ignore this powerful communication medium within your business development toolbox.

Here are 7 compelling statistics that re-enforce why you need to incorporate video in your content strategy:

1. More prospective buyers are viewing videos online: Cisco reports that video will account for 78% of all internet traffic, both business and consumer, by 2020.

2. Videos are memorable: 80% of internet users remember watching a video ad on a website they visited in the past 30 days, according to Online Publishers Association.

3. Videos compel action: According to Forbes Insights, 65% of senior executives have visited a vendor’s website after watching a video. And, a survey by Brightcove found that when consumers had a good video experience, 39% were more likely to research the brand or product further.

4. Videos are shareable: Another stat from Forbes – over 50% of senior executives share videos with colleagues at least weekly.

5. Others are using video: According to the latest 2017 research by Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs, 60% of businesses surveyed use videos as an effective content marketing tactic.

6. Videos are trusted: Brightcove’s research reveals that 24% of consumers globally say video is their “most trusted” source of branded content.

7. Videos are preferred: Brightcove’s survey gives us another insight – 44% of consumers said video was more “appealing” to them than other types of brand communication. When it comes to executives, 30% of executives under the age of 40 indicated they prefer video for reviewing business information, according to the Forbes Insights report.

There are other reasons why video should be an integral part of your content strategy, but you get the idea. If you are not taking advantage of them in your online marketing strategy, your business development efforts will be missing a communications format that is becoming more commonplace and expected.

Don’t let your competitors get an edge online – get committed to creating shareable, popular, interesting, compelling video content. It’s what your prospects want!

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