B2B Buyers in a Post COVID-19 Environment

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The landscape of the B2B buyers-market, like many other areas of life, has been radically changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the beginning of lockdowns and increasing shifts to digital, many things have become clearer about the way B2B buying has changed in a post COVID-19 environment. When it comes to succeeding in your Canada business search in a post COVID-19 world, there are a few lessons to keep in mind.

In 2020, many companies looked to minimize spending on advertisements, for a variety of reasons. With business so affected by the pandemic, there were budget cuts, and difficulty figuring out how to market in a completely different business environment. Now, with some hindsight, it can be helpful to first focus on what you have learned from 2020, and bring that into 2021 and beyond. Ask yourself how the demographics and stats of your business model may have changed during COVID-19. There may be some loss, yes. Are there buyers in your Canadian business database that no longer account for much of your business? Are there sectors that have become less prevalent with the changes that have occurred? However, there will be areas that may have grown, and identifying these is doubly important. Perhaps your product has become more important to certain buyers. Are there areas of you target audience that have grown since the pandemic began? Once you and your team has discovered which buyers need your product now more than ever, and which areas you have experienced growth, it can be easier to move forward. Areas that have experienced growth in your Canadian companies database, are areas that your team can pivot towards. During the pandemic, the way many buyers made decisions may have changed, and understanding these shifts can be incredibly helpful.

Something more general that has come out of the pandemic, is the importance of empathy and tone in advertising. The COVID-19 pandemic has only highlighted how key it is to not come off as bland, generic, or worse: tone deaf. After all, the COVID-19 pandemic first and foremost affected people’s lives, not just their buying habits. The pandemic made it even more clear that buyers do not appreciate being pandered to emotionally in ways that feel insincere. Rather, they tend to respond to genuine empathy and understanding from businesses who can incorporate nuance and tone into their efforts to reach out.

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So, in a post COVID-19 environment, be alert to growth opportunities, focus on striking the right tone, and don’t be afraid to invest in great quality tools like Scott’s Directories Canada business search list. Launched in 1957, Scott’s Directories Canadian business database includes comprehensive contact information on over 60,000 companies. Detailing everything from ISO registrations to products and services offered, we have the information that you need to craft truly targeted outreach.

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