How will you have customers find your business start-up

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According to estimates, as many as 627,000 new businesses open in Canada each year. Conversely, nearly 595,000 businesses close each year. To be successful in business you have to find customers right out of the gate so your new start-up doesn’t turn into an unfortunate shut down. One of the best places to find those potential customers is on Scott’s Directories, a subscription-based service that gives savvy marketers access to a comprehensive Canada company list.

Searching through Canadian business directories to find potential customers for your start-up business is quick and easy when you subscribe to Scott’s Directories. Having your start-up listed in those same directories is also beneficial so potential customers can just as easily find you. As a rich online resource, the list of Canadian companies provided by Scott’s Directories is one of the best ways to target potential new customers. Every new business needs a marketing plan in order to ensure customers know you exist. Incorporating digital tools into that marketing plan is simply smart business, and Scott’s Directories is one of the best digital tools available for businesses and their sales and marketing teams.

Let’s say you’re start-up is hoping to reach potential customers in the medical industry. Your subscription will allow you to search through the Canada company list to find over 3,000 GPs and specialists that start practices each year, and to connect with tens of thousands Ontario doctors and Canadian physicians that have moved in recent years. The key contact information allows you to quickly develop potential lead lists to helps other businesses and individuals know your start-up exists. Using that information, you can develop laser-sharp targeting to reach the best potential customers for your start-up.

Whatever your ultimate goal is for your business, you need to have a clear vision on how to achieve it. Markets change and shift as time goes on and the unexpected arises, but having that goal in mind will help you plan and make decisions towards achieving it. Choosing to ensure you have access to a list of Canadian business directories is a smart move for start-ups looking to attract customers.

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