Making Sales to Higher Education Institutions

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Marketing to the higher educational market is a bit of a unique process. Because of the set ways most Universities do business and make buying decisions, it is always good to brush up on University buying culture before trying to make a sale. Universities employ different buying methods and work around different buying schedules than most other businesses, which can make them a difficult market to crack. When you know that you have a great product, it can be frustrating to lose a sale due to a simple issue of misinformation!

If this sounds like the position you and your team have been in, there is no need to worry. When you employ tools like a Canada University list, you can give yourself an automatic leg up through gaining access to insider information. Something important to know is that schools tend to make big buying decisions by at least the summer prior to a school year. So getting in on the ground floor as soon as possible before the next academic year can help you lay the foundation of your sales pitch. Buying decisions are also a bit different with schools as, depending on how “big” of a sale it is, a myriad of different people could get involved in making the final decision to buy or not. The “higher value” the sale you are attempting to make is, the more likely you will be to end up having to pitch to a committee full of people.

Worried about contacting the right people in time? That makes sense! Who the “right” people are to contact can seem pretty opaque to somebody new to the educational market. That’s why a Canadian Universities list can be of huge help. A good quality list, like Scott’s Directories list of Canadian Universities, will supply you with the key contact information you need to crack into the higher educational market. We contain information on over 17,000 schools and a staggering 50,000 plus key decision maker contacts. So whether you only need to reach out to one specific person, or a committee’s worth, you should find the contact information that you are looking for with Scott’s Directories.

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It is also helpful to make sure that you bring targeted and highly applicable content to each key decision maker you contact. Placing a focus on exactly how your product can be of interest to each of your prospective clients will help you stand out among the other more vague and untargeted emails. In order to achieve proper “segmenting” of your target market, use information from our Canada University list to help keep your Marketing Strategies highly personalized. With over 20 searchable fields to explore, it couldn’t be easier for your team to find exactly the contacts they need.

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