The Mentee Quiz

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The mentee’s role in the relationship is just as important as the mentor’s. Where the mentor offers guidance, motivation and support, the mentee identifies the skills and competencies they wish to gain and demonstrates that, over time, they are learning from the relationship. An effective mentee also takes responsibility by being prepared for meetings and keeps the mentoring relationship on track.

This quiz will help you evaluate your mentee or mentees to determine the strength of your relationship.

Score each question:  1 = Never, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Always.

  1. Is your mentee receptive to new ideas and feedback?

    Score: _____

  2. Does your mentee come to meetings with an idea of what they would like to achieve?

    Score: _____

  3. Does your mentee take action on what they say they are going to do?

    Score: _____

  4. Does your mentee have a positive attitude?

    Score: _____

  5. Is your mentee appreciative of your time?

    Score: _____

  6. Does your mentee begin meetings with small talk?

    Score: _____

  7. At the end of a meeting or conversation, does your mentee summarize the discussion and discuss action items?

    Score: _____

  8. Does your mentee take the initiative to schedule future meeting and re-schedule meetings if there is a cancellation?

    Score: _____

  9. Does your mentee put into practice the skills, knowledge, guidance and advice that they have gained?

    Score: _____

  10. Does your mentee get excited by their progress?

    Score: _____

  11. Does your mentee listen to you?

    Score: _____

  12. Does your mentee demonstrate a commitment to the mentoring relationship?

    Score: _____

  13. Do you feel as though you are helping your mentee progress?

    Score: _____

  14. Does your mentee respond to your voice mail messages, emails and text messages in a timely manner?

    Score: _____

  15. Does your mentee provide you with regular progress updates and keep you posted about what’s happening with the people you referred them to?

    Score: _____

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If you scored 35 – 45. You have a great mentee; take time to nurture this relationship as it may last a lifetime.

If you scored 25 – 34. You have a good mentee but he or she needs to work on some things. You may want to review this quiz with them during one of your meetings.

If you scored 24 or less. You may want to provide your mentee with some feedback from this quiz to see whether they are receptive to it. If they aren’t open to the feedback, you may want to recommend an informal mentoring relationship where they can reach out to you on an as needed basis only.

Remember though, good mentoring relationships are a two-way street. If you want a good relationship with your mentee, you need to be a good mentor. Check out The Mentor Quiz to see the core attributes of an effective mentor.

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