The Mentor Quiz

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Mentors guide, motivate, inspire and support – enabling the mentee to achieve their goals and aspirations. Mentors also have a genuine interest in paying-it-forward by sharing their knowledge and experiences with a mentee.

An effective mentor should have several core attributes. This quiz will help you evaluate your mentor or mentors to determine the strength of your relationship.

Score each question:  1 = Never, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Always.

  1. Is your mentor really listening to you?

    Score: _____

  2. Has your mentor done what you are trying to do?

    Score: _____

  3. Has your mentor provided you with feedback that you can use to improve yourself?

    Score: _____

  4. Does your mentor ask questions to help you figure out solutions for yourself?

    Score: _____

  5. Has your mentor recommended a book, article or video that is relevant to your needs?

    Score: _____

  6. Has your mentor introduced you to someone in his or her network who could also help you?

    Score: _____

  7. Do you leave mentoring conversations feeling inspired?

    Score: _____

  8. Has your mentor observed you performing a skill (e.g. chairing a meeting, practicing your interview skills)?

    Score: _____

  9. Has your mentor provided you with encouragement?

    Score: _____

  10. Is your mentor available to meet you within their schedule?

    Score: _____

  11. Does your mentor respond to your emails or voice mails between meetings?

    Score: _____

  12. Do you feel that your conversations are productive and that they are meeting your needs?

    Score: _____

  13. Does your mentor help you to think and act beyond your comfort zone?

    Score: _____

  14. Does your mentor check-in with you occasionally to see how things are progressing?

    Score: _____

  15. Does your mentor follow through on the things that they say they are going to do?

    Score: _____

Total Score: ___

If you scored 35 – 45. You have a great mentor; take time to nurture this relationship as it may last a lifetime.

If you scored 25 – 34. You have a good mentor but he or she needs to work on some things. You may want to provide them with feedback about one of the items from this quiz to see how receptive they are about further developing their mentoring skills.

If you scored 24 or less. Your mentor may not be the right fit for you. You may want to establish a more informal mentoring relationship by reaching out only on an as needed basis while keeping your eyes open for a new mentor.

Remember though, good mentoring relationships are a two-way street. If you want a good relationship with your mentor, you need to be a good mentee. Stay tuned for The Mentee Quiz.

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