Up-to-date Database: A Key to Quality Sales Leads

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According to recent available statistics, British Columbia delivers just over 13 percent of Canada’s GDP, trailing only Ontario and Alberta as an economic driver for the country. What does that mean to a company hoping to conduct B2B sales and marketing in the province? Clearly, it means opportunity – and one way to empower your sales teams to capitalize on that opportunity is to set them up with an online BC directory.

Generate Leads In BC And Increase Sales

The BC directories online available through Scott’s Directories present sales and marketing teams with an incredible opportunity to save time and effort while generating targeted business leads. Subscribing to the BC business directory is simply one of the most empowering tools you can give to a sales team targeting the large and lucrative British Columbia market. That database offers much more than a list of company names – although that is certainly an important feature of the service. The database includes BC manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors, transportation companies, medical professionals, contractors, accounting, legal and financial firms, libraries and more. Regardless of what product or service you may be attempting to market and sell, your sales team can gain instant access to this comprehensive database to start their lead generation activities. The database also includes key contacts to all the important executives and company employees you need to conduct personalized outreach. This helps your sales team avoided sending out proposals to the wrong contacts, which is always a waste of time and effort and can sometimes backfire – many companies who see erroneously addressed sales pitches simply dismiss the information as unwanted spam, or a sign your company is not taking the additional step required to move the client relationship forward. Generating sales leads using credible contact information is always the better way.

Gain Access To One Of North America’s Business Gateways.

British Columbia has a diverse economy, featuring businesses that focus on both marine and terrestrial activity. The province provides other businesses across Canada a wide-open market for commerce; however, given the size of the Canadian geography, it can be daunting for a company in the Maritimes to try to crack into the BC marketplace. Subscribing to the BC directory service offered by Scott’s Directories is an important step in helping your sales term find the right connections and improve their chances at getting sales in British Columbia. With 35 ways to search, allowing your team to micro-target suitable business leads, it’s a great way to improve your lead generation strategies year-round.

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