Forging Connections with Key University Purchasers

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Selling to Universities can be difficult for so many B2B companies! It is a very different culture and situation to sell to higher educational institutions, with its own set of goals and values. Though it can be daunting to get started, there are a few key things to know when looking to forge great quality, and long lasting, connections with key university purchasers on your Canada university list.

The number one tip is to approach every conversation with a focus on your shared values. Sometimes, those who work in higher education can feel a bit at odds with those who work in the more business oriented side of higher education, such as educational B2B companies. This can sometimes stem from a worry that institutions that seem like more business oriented companies will be out of touch from what the educational system means to those who work in education. Many people working at Universities do not want their institutions to become too much like businesses and instead want to prioritize education first. The good news? This will likely not be a problem for most educational B2B companies, as you likely share the most important common goal with educators: improving the quality of the student learning experience. Always try to approach the people on your Canadian universities list with this shared goal in mind, and you can convey that you are all on the same page when it comes to bigger goals and values. This can help forge meaningful connections.

Secondly, always be mindful of the fact that the educational sector is a close one. When it comes to succeeding with your list of Canadian universities, it is key to always put effort into not only each individual sale but also the larger relationship that is being made through those sales. The people who work in Academia likely know each other, and reputation is so incredibly important. Always come to the table ready to impress, to forge connections, and to keep an eye on long term goals. Especially with the nature of universities and how they make buying decisions, the key is to maintain relationships over the long term via trust, respect, and a good reputation.

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Lastly, understand the importance of every connection. The good news about the educational market, is that word spreads not only within institutions, but between them. Because of this, every connection really does count. A good reputation with one university can more easily snowball into many different sales and connections with other universities. By starting off on a good foot, you and your team can begin the all-important task of networking within the educational market. And you do not need to do it alone, with Scott’s Directories Canada university list, you and your team will have access to always up to date and detailed contact information on over 17,000 schools and over 50,000 key contacts.

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