How Bad Data Is Hurting Your Business

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Bad data is one of the most insidious issues businesses face today. Good quality data is more than just a key to success, it is core to keeping a business functioning. Bad data costs businesses an estimated 3.1 trillion dollars a year. This shocking figure largely arises from wasted employee time. However, bad data can also drain resources through the high cost of lost opportunities.

When businesses source their data from irreputable sources, it can lead to a staggering and completely unnecessary financial hit. This is why it’s so important to source data from reputable business lists Canada. Most businesses run on information, and it makes sense that they are willing to sacrifice lots of time towards finding the data they need. However, most businesses don’t realize how much more efficient their data search could be. As it currently stands, many businesses are stuck in an endless loop of having to involve multiple different employees across many departments within their company to find the data they are looking for. This process can turn data search into something confusing and long-winded that eats up many business days. If you really looked into it, you might be surprised to find out how many business days a year your employees are currently spending just to find the data necessary to move forward with projects. What’s even worse, is that this data is not even good quality data a lot of the time. Bad quality data does not just waste employee time, it can cause costly missed opportunities. Smart decisions and effective business strategies are only as strong as the data they are founded on. It is impossible to outthink and outwork the consequences of simply wrong information. That’s why we at Scott’s Directories pride ourselves on being a truly reputable business directory Canada.

With Scott’s Directories, your team won’t have to waste company hours on cold calls that go nowhere, and you won’t have to worry about taking a risk on decisions and strategies being foiled by wrong information. We’ve been in the business of providing high-value Canadian business information for over 60 years. We know how much time and money bad data can cost a company. That’s why we keep our data comprehensive, and always up-to-date.

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Our list of Canadian companies will provide you will all the pertinent information you need on a variety of business types, including healthcare, the educational marketplace, and more. Our business lists Canada are not only exclusively compiled, they are also verified annually, meaning you don’t need to worry about using outdated information. What’s more, you can look forward to a speedier and easier workflow for your team. A subscription to our directory will not only afford you team good data, it also makes accessing that data a breeze. Our comprehensive database is available to subscription holders 24/7, so your team will never again have to be stuck in a bad data bind.

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