What Time of Year Typically has the Most Conversions?

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Different times of year have different feels to them. Spring can be a time of new beginnings. The warmth of summer can make people feel more extraverted or social. However, did you know that different times of year also coincide with different amounts of conversion? Different parts of the year can have their own business trends. Your team should stay knowledgeable about these trends, so that they can plan accordingly. After all, it is much better for you to take advantage of a trend, than to lack knowledge about it. Imagine what your team could get done if they were always able to tweak their messages and techniques. With your team adjusting messages according to what time of year it is. Well, you don’t need to just imagine it. Your team can very well do it! Without further ado, here are some tips and tricks for you to keep in mind. These tips can help your team to capitalize on the yearly trends that can affect lead generation companies.

Tips and Tricks for Each Time of Year

1. Tip number one is that your team should be ready to reach out during times of the year with higher conversion rates. The months of the year that generally have higher conversion rates are the months of January through to May. These first five months of the year can be an incredibly lucrative time for lead generation services. In fact, February alone can cause a 10% increase in business. In order to maximize sales, your team should try to ensure that any big campaigns can be released during this time. January to May is the time to really put the work in with your B2B lead generation companies in Canada. Additionally, your team and your lead generation company should try to prepare for this lucrative season earlier, to maximize benefits.

2. Tip number two, is for your team to be ready to work with lower conversion months as well. Yes, there is much to be made of higher conversion months from your team and for lead generation companies. However, there will also be months with, on average, lower conversion. These months tend to be the months of summer, as well as December. The months of summer and December are times when many people will be taking time off work. When people are off work, this can make for lower conversion. Your team and your outbound lead generation service can still account for this. During these months, you should focus more on getting things in place for the coming higher conversion times. For example, during December, your team can prep with lead generation companies for the lucrative New Year season.

Of course, you can also invest in great quality lead generation companies Canada. Here at Scott’s Directories, we want to help you to maximize sales, at any time of the year.

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